In case the question means that at least a Latin letter and a digit is always present in the result (that's how I've interpreted anyway) the logic changes.

A quick & dirty approach could be something like the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>

#define ABLEN   ( sizeof(AB) - 1 )
#define ARRSIZ  5

int main( void )
    srand( time(NULL) );

    char arr[ARRSIZ] = {'\0'};    // not a cstring
    int  nletters = 1 + (rand() % (ARRSIZ-1));
    int  ndigits  = ARRSIZ - nletters;
    printf( "nletters: %d, ndigits: %d\n", nletters, ndigits );

    int i = 0;
    while ( ndigits || nletters ) {
        int c = AB[ rand() % ABLEN ];
        if ( nletters && isalpha(c) ) {
        else if ( ndigits && isdigit(c) ) {
        else {
        arr[i++] = c;
    printf( "%.5s\n", arr );

    return 0;
PS. I chose to NOT treat arr as a cstring, since the question seems not to imply such a thing. However, if further manipulation of arr can benefit of cstring-like operations, it should be more useful to define/treat it as a cstring from the beginning.